유명사립대, 폭언미국인교수고소

Famous private univ. sues abusive-language-using American professor (Jan 24, YTN)


A famous private university located in Seoul filed numerous lawsuits against one of its own American professors on charges that the professor habitually used abusive language, threats, and spread false rumors.

이대학영어영문학과김모교수는지난해 10월같은학과 F교수를상대로새벽에수십차례전화를걸어욕설과협박을하고인종차별적발언을퍼부었다며고소했습니다.

Professor Kim, an English literature professor of the aforementioned university, sued professor F of the same department last October for calling him countless times at the break of dawn and pouring swear words, threats, and racist remarks on him.

학교측도 F교수가지난해 5월무단출국한뒤급여와주거비등 8백만원을가로챘다며사기혐의로고소하고, 허위사실을유포하는등학교명예를훼손한혐의로추가고소할방침입니다.
The university also sued professor F for fraud, saying that he had left the country without due notice last may(taking approx. 800만원 worth salary and housing expenses with him). the school is also preparing another lawsuit on charges that professor F spread false rumors about the school, and thus tarnished the univ's reputation.

이에대해 F교수는오히려자신이학교에서차별과괴롭힘을당했다고억울함을호소하며학교측을상대로소송을검토하고있는것으로알려졌습니다.

Prof.F, on the other hand, is claiming that he is being wrongly accused as he was the one discriminated and harassed by the school. It has been revealed that prof.F is considering to sue the school in retaliation.

안윤학 [yhahn@ytn.co.kr]
