Month: May 2010
Art by Rita Crocker & Poems by Youn Soo Lee
Hmmm, Something smells burning. It smells like rubber. A boy with sneakers is sleeping with a dirty band on his...
By Spooky Washington A friend and longtime Seoul resident, embroiled in a pension-avoidance fiasco with his employer, recently lamented to...
America’s Place in History According to Reinhold Niebuhr: The Irony of American History (2008 Ed.) Revisited
By J. Lee Since 9/11, the so-called “Niebuhrmania” has generated fierce disputes among those who claim Niebuhr as their mentor...
By Stuart Wainstock Happening twice a year, the Hae Bang Chon or HBC Festival is set to take place May...
The 3wm Featured Festival Venue: The HBC
By Mizaru UPDATED BELOW: On Tuesday, March 9 at approximately 8 P.M., the door of the popular boozing shed HBC...
Confucius Steps Back as Gender Equality Moves Forward
By Jake Reed Like Bob Dylan said “The times they are a changing.” If you have walked down the strip...
Gi Hyeong-do: A Misunderstood Modern Gay Korean Poet
By Gabriel Sylvian with Iwazaru As Korea continues to undergo changes far beyond economic development, there are individuals and groups...
Losing Kathryn: Death of a Korean Girlfriend Pt. II
By Konrad Kostecki I remember when I met her. It was a fairly unoriginal introduction—over a drink. In Korea, it...
At the Beat Bash—the 4th Seoul World DJ Festival
Writing by Brian Dye & Photos by Jamie Karosa This past weekend the world DJ festival hit Seoul for it’s...
Losing Kathryn: Death of a Korean Girlfriend
By Konrad Kostecki “I can’t take this anymore”…Those were the last words my Korean girlfriend Kathryn uttered to me, the...
Jennifer’s Calendar: Another Hongdae Hangover
By Jennifer Stevens Last weekend I found myself pre-drinking in a Hongdae hostel with my new friend Jason. I had...
The Working Girl Muse: 3 Poems by Kenny
By Kenneth McIntyre DISCONNECT THE WIRES AND WORK ON BEAMS I know this whore in Seoul She is a mercurial...
Big News Vol. 1 Issue 3.
By Scoop McDougal This is an international edition of Big News! But of course, where would we start but right...
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