A Korean Room Salon Addict Speaks

A Korean Room Salon Addict Speaks

May 5, 201083259Views

In the interests of finding out more about the room salon culture 3WM was put in touch with a Korean banker in Seoul who was admittedly addicted to room salons for more than a year after he moved to the city from a rural area.  3WM promised him anonymity in exchange for details about his experience and an overview of the room salon culture. lunapic_127299387354590_1

1. Tell us about your first visit to a room salon.

It was about when I got a job at my company, and I went to a room salon with my co-workers. It was a large salon in the Kangnam area, but was a Bukchang-dong style*.  We were really close, and went there to experience a new culture together. Having no idea about the Bukchang-dong style room salons, I was a bit surprised. Rather audacious service by the girls made me think that they were being trained through a set program. The salon was on such a large scale that it felt like a big company or something.

*Bukchang is an area in Seoul near City Hall that has innumerable room salons that are rather lewd.

2. Tell us if you revisited there. And, if you did, why did you want to go back?

Right to the point, yes, I went there again, and continued to visit there. The reason? When I drank with friends and got tipsy, we would go for the next round. And we naturally thought of women (you know, we were hot-blooded and had money). In that situation, we have two options: a night club or a room salon. Our choice would change kind of periodically. If we all agreed that we wanted women, then we’d go for a salon. Or we might go to a night club to hunt girls. But you get tired if you went to one of the two too often, so we’d go to one or the other alternately.

3. What about the girls attracted you? (Did you go there because you liked them?)

There are two kinds: the so-called ACEs, who are really good looking, and the other kind, who are not that pretty, but very warm-hearted and easy to talk to. If you meet a girl of these two kinds, you are likely to go back.  I called and made a reservation to meet her again. Or I would have to wait.

4. Did you ever become close with a girl you met there? If  you did, could you please share with us the details?

It happened rarely, but I did meet really good girls. I once met a girl who was in a financially difficult situation, but really kind and good at heart, and also good-looking.

My family was really poor when I was younger, so I sympathized with her. You’re making a big mistake if you think the girls working there are all loose and ill-mannered. There are some who are really good-natured.

5. What is the age range of the girls, and what age group do you prefer the most?

They are from in their early to late 20s. As far as I know, in the case of Kangnam girls, girls in their late 20s must be really good-looking, or it’s impossible to continue to work there. I prefer those in their early or mid 20s.

6. What kinds of room salons are there? What kinds have you gone to? Which is the most expensive place (and the reason?)? And tell us your favourite kind of room salon.

It’s been a while since I last went, so I don’t know how they’ve changed now. I’ll just give you what I know.

According to girls’ appearances, they are divided into roughly four levels: Bukchang-dong style (BC), club, JJoem-Oh (15%) and Ten Percent (TP). Of course, there are places that can be positioned in-between. But these are the general classification.

Each level provides different services.


Price: app.180,000won

Duration: one and a half hours

Style: obscene. BK girls wear only panties, and for the last course, they give blow- or hand-jobs. The so-called second round, where you take the girl out, is impossible.


Price: 220,000 – 250,000won

Duration: unlimited (until you drink up all beverages)

Style: less obscene than BK. These girls are one notch higher than BK in appearance. The second round possible.

15 %

Price: 300,000 – 350,000won

Duration: unlimited (until you drink up all beverages)

Style: not obscene. Girls would just keep you company and talk. Very good looking. The second round possible.


Price: about 700,000 for just drinking

Duration: unlimited (until you drink up all beverages)

Style: Girls have celebrity-like appearances. Very educated. The second round is impossible. But if you are filthy rich, rich enough to be the girl’s personal “sponsor,” the second round can be possible.

Personally, I think clubs or 15% are suitable. You’d get soon sick of playing obscenely.

7. How much did you usually spend, or were you willing to pay, per visit? How much did you spend per month on average?

Spent about 300,000 per visit. I think I spent about 600,000 per month.

8. What kinds of people did you go there with?

Usually with friends. But for salespeople, they go with their clients.

9.  Elaborate on the situation where you had  sexual contact with them. Were the girls familiar or comfortable with sexual services? How long did it last? At what places did the sex occur and did you use a condom?

Sexual contact is a part of the service in BK. BK girls are thoroughly trained before being put in front of their customers. So, they look relaxed giving a blow job. The girls freshly into the business might seem a bit uncomfortable with clients, but I heard that they’d soon relax. In the BK case, blow jobs occur inside the room, which last about five minutes. In the case of a second round, sex occurs in a hotel or a motel. They always have their clients wear a condom. Girls would put it on the penis and have sex.

10. Have you ever given them personal gifts?

Not gifts, but I’ve given them money. This girl was fresh into the business, and was having a really hard time working there. So, I gave her about 500,000won, which she didn’t ask for, and told her to quit.

11. Have some of the girls you’ve met ever called you in private? Or have you called them?

In some cases, where I and the girl liked each other, both contacted each other.  Usually, such meetings don’t last after one or two because of differences in schedule.

12. Have you ever gotten into trouble with the girls or male workers?


13. When was the last time you visited there, and why did you stop going?

About two years ago. It’s no fun anymore.

No matter how pretty the girl is, after all you’re not going to spend the rest of your life with her. And it’s hard to find time to meet because they work at night. So, you could rarely develop a relationship with them. And it costs a lot of money.

14. Give us your general thoughts about Korea’s room salon culture.

The business is not run in an old-fashioned, turn-of-the-century manner. That means that they are running and developing the business systemically. Through rigorous service trainings, they are fine-tuning their service to meet all possible manly desires.

When the economy turns bad, prices will drop and the services would take on more obscene forms. For example, the second round could occur in the room, or the so-called room-mirror system could be provided, where clients can first have a look at the girls in the “mirror room” and then choose the girl they want.

There is a fairly decent look at the girls’ situation here.


Translation by Dae-hyun (Marcus) Chi for translation work.

Cartoon by Lee Scott.

Marie Kulik contributed to reporting.


Full Interview

룸살롱 문화에 대한 인터뷰

The interview about room salon culture.

1.처음으로 룸 살롱을 방문했을 때에 관해 말해주세요.

1. Tell us about your first visit to a room salon.

회사에 처음 입사한 후 입사동기들과 함께 갔습니다. 강남의 대형 업소였는데  북창동 스타일의 업소였죠. 워낙 동기들과 친했었고 새로운 문화를 함께 접한다는 생각으로 갔었습니다. 북창동 스타일이 뭔지 몰랐던 전 처음가서 약간 놀랐습니다. 도우미들의 서비스가 아주 적극적이었고 서비스  방식이 교육을 통해  일정한 수준을 유지하고 있었습니다. 규모도 엄청나게 커서 기업이라는 생각이 들 정도였죠

It was about when I got a job at my company, and I went to a room salon with my batch-mates. It was a large salon in the Kangnam area, but was a Bookchang-dong style.  We were really close, and went there to experience a new culture together. Having no idea about the Bookchang-dong style room salons, I was a bit surprised. Rather audacious service by the girls made me think that they were being trained through a set program. The salon was on such a large scale that it felt like a big company or something.

2.처음 방문 후 다시 가게 되었다면, 다시 돌아가게된 이유와  계속 가게 되었는 지의 여부에 대해서도 알려주세요.

Tell us if you revisited there. And, if you did, why did you want to go back?

결론부터 말하자면 다시 가게 되었고, 계속 가게 되었습니다. 이유는

친구들과 만나 술을 마시다가 어느정도 취기가 오르면 자리를 이동하게 되는데 그럴 때 여자가 생각나게 되죠.(혈기 왕성하고 돈을 벌고 있기 때문이죠)

이럴때 두가지 방법중 하나를 선택하게 됩니다. 나이트를 갈지 업소를 갈지 말이죠. 선택은 주기마다 조금씩 바뀌게 되는데요. 그날 확실하게 여자랑 같이 보내고 싶다면 업소를 가게 되구요 아니면 나이트로 가서 부킹이란 것을 하게 됩니다. 한곳만을 집중적으로 가다보면 질리게 되서 결국은 두가지를 번갈아 가게 됩니다.

Right to the point, yes, I went there again, and continued to visit there. The reason? When I drank with friends and got tipsy, we would go for the next round. And we naturally thought of women (you know, we were hot-blooded and had money). In that situation, we have two options: a night club or a room salon. Our choice would change kinda periodically. If we all agreed that we wanted women, then we’d go for a salon. Or we might go to a night club to hunt girls. But you get tired if you went to one of the two too often, so we’d one or the other alternately

3.아가씨들의 어떤 부분에 끌리게 되었는지? (마음에 들어서 다시 가게 되었는지)

What about the girls attracted you? (Did you go there because you liked them?)

두가지 부류가 있습니다. 외모가 아주 뛰어난 일명 에이스 부류와

외모가 그리 뛰어나진 않지만 청순하면서 매우 착한 심성을 가지고 있고 얘기가 잘 통하는 참한 아가씨인 경우 두가지 입니다.

이런 아가씨를 만나게 되면 다시 업소를 찾게 되는 경우는 많습니다.

그 아가씨를 만나기 위해 미리 전화해서 예약해서 찾아가게 됩니다. 아니면 많이 기다려야 할지도 모르니까요. ( 지명손님이라고 불리죠 )

There are two kinds: the so-called ACEs, who are really good looking, and the other kind, who are not that pretty, but very warm hearted and easy to talk to. If you meet a girl of these two kinds, you are likely to go back.

I called and made a reservation to meet her again. Or I would have to wait.

4.그 곳에서 특정 아가씨와  가까워져서 잘 알고 지낸 적이 있는지? 설명해 주세요.

Did you ever become close with a girl you met there? If  you did, could you please share with us the details?

간혹 진짜 괜찮은 아가씨를 만나는 경우가 있습니다.

집안 형편이 어려워서 일을 하지만 심성자체는 곱고 외모는 뛰어난 아이를 만난적이 있습니다.

개인적으로 저도 엄청 어려운 유년기를 보내서, 그녀들의 맘이 이해가 가구요

룸에 일한다고 해서 다들 발랑 까진게 아닙니다. 진짜 착한 애들도 있죠.

It happened rarely, but I did meet really good girls. I once met a girl who was in a financially difficult situation, but really kind and good at heart, and also good-looking.

My family was really poor when I was younger, so I sympathized with her. You’re making a big mistake if you think the girl working there are all loose and ill-mannered. There are some who are really good-natured.

5.그 곳에서 일하는 아가씨들의 연령 때는 어느정도 이며, 어느 나이대를 가장 선호하는지?

What is the age range of the girls, and what age group do you prefer the most?

20대 초반에서 후반까지 있는데 강남의 경우 20대 후반은 외모가 출중하지 않은이상 일하기 힘든것으로 알고 있습니다. 선호나이대는 20대 초반에서 20대 중반이죠

They are from in their early to late 20s. As far as I know, in the case of Kangnam girls, girls in their late 20s must be really good-looking, or it’s impossible to continue to work there. I prefer those in their early or mid 20s.

6.룸 살롱은 어떤 종류가 있으며 어떤 종류의 룸 살롱에 방문한적이 있는지?가장 비싼 곳과 (혹시 이유를 알 수 있다면 왜?) , 개인적으로 가장 선호하는 룸살롱 종류는?

What kinds of room salons are there? What kinds have you gone to? Which is the most expensive place (and the reason?)? And tell us your favourite kind of room salon.

저도 업소를 안간지가 오래되서 요즘은 잘 알지 못합니다. 제가 아는 수준으로만 적겠습니다.

It’s been a while since I last went, so I don’t know how they’ve changed now. I’ll just give you what I know.

아가씨의 외모 수준에 따라 일반적으로  북창동 스타일(이하) – 클럽- 점오- 텐프로 정도로 나뉩니다.   (물론 각 단계마다의 중간정도 하는 곳도 많이 있습니다. 일반적으로 나누는 기준입니다.)

According to girls appearances, they are divided into roughly four levels: Bookchang-dong style (BC), club, JJoem-Oh (15%) and Ten Percent (TP). Of course, there are places that can be positioned in-between. But these are the general classification.

각 레벨마다 노는 스타일이 다 다릅니다.

Each level provides different services.

가.  북창동 스타일 BK

– 가격 : 18만원정도

Price: app.180,000

– 시간 : 1시간 30분

Duration: one and a half hours

– 스타일 : 퇴폐적인 스타일, 아가씨는 팬티만 빼고 전부 탈의하며, 제일 마지막에 입과 손으로 자위행위를 해줌. 2차 불가능

Style: obscene. BK girls wear only panties, and for the last course, they give blow- or hand-jobs. The so-called second round, where you take the girl out, is impossible.

나. 클럽 club

– 가격 : 22-25 정도

Price: 220,000 – 250,000

– 시간 : 무제한(술떨어질때까지)

Duration: unlimited (until you drink up all beverages)

– 스타일 : 북창동 보다는 덜 퇴폐적이며, 아가씨들 외모가 북창동 보다

일반적으로 한단계 높음. 2차 가능함.

Style: less obscene than BK. These girls are one notch higher than BK in appearance. The second round possible.

다.  점오 15 %

– 가격 : 30-35정도

Price: 300,000 – 350,000

– 시간 : 무제한(술떨어질때까지)

Price: unlimited (until you drink up all beverages)

– 스타일 : 퇴폐적이지 않음. 아가씨들이 와서 술만 따르고 얘기하는 분위기 아가씨들의 외모가 출중함. 2차 가능함.

Style: not obscene. Girls would just keep your company and talk. Very good looking. The second round possible.

라. 텐프로 TP

– 가격 : 술만 마시는데 70정도

Price: about 700,000 for just drinking

– 시간 : 무제한(술떨어질때까지)

Duration: unlimited (until you drink up all beverages)

– 스타일 : 연예인급의 외모를 가진 아가씨들이 들어옴. 아주 교양있으며

술만 따라주고 얘기만 나눔. 점잔하게 노는 분위기.

2차는 불가능하나 스폰서가 될정도의 재력이라면 가능

Style: Girls have celebrity-like appearances. Very educated. The second round is impossible. But if you are filthy rich, rich enough to be the girl’s personal “sponsor”, the second round can be possible.

개인적으로는 클럽이나 점오정도가 적당하다고 생각합니다. 퇴폐적으로

노는 것은 금방 질리게 됩니다.

Personally, I think clubs or 15 % are suitable. You’d get soon sick of playing obscenely.

7. 한번 방문할때마다 얼마 정도를 지출 했으며 지출할 용의가 있으며 한달 평균 얼마정도 지출했는지?

How much did you usually spend, or were you willing to pay, per visit? How much did you spend per month on average?

한번에 30만원 정도 지출, 한달에 60정도는 쓴거 같음.

현재는 업소에 돈을 지출할 용의 없음.

Spent about 300,000 per visit. I think I spent about 600,000 per month.

Right now, I don’t want to spend on it.

8.그 곳에서 어떤 종류의 사람을 만났는지?

What kinds of people did you go there with?

주로 개인 친구들 위주. 물론 영업하는 사람의 경우는 손님과 동행함.

Usually with friends. But for salespeople, they go with their clients.

9.스킨쉽  및 성적접촉이 있었을 때 어떤 상황이었는지? 아가씨들이 그런 상황에 익숙해서 경험이 많거나 익숙하고 편안하게 받아들이는지? 그런 시간이 어느정도였는지?  주로 어느 장소에서 이루어졌으며 만약 섹스를 나누는 상황이었다면 항상 콘돔을 사용하였는지?

Elaborate the situation where you had skinship or sexual contact with them. Were the girls familiar or comfortable with sexual services? How long did it last? At what places did the sex occur and did you use a condom?

북창동스타일은 서비스의 한 항목으로 스킨쉽이 존재함.

북창동 스타일의 업소 아가씨들은 워낙 교육을 철저하게 받은지라 익숙하게 자위행위를 해줌. 처음 온 아가씨인 경우 약간 낯설어 하지만 금방 익숙해지는것으로 알고 있음. 북창동 스타일의 경우 자위행위는 룸안에서 이루어지며 5분정도임. 2차를 나가는경우는 주로 호텔이나 모텔에서 섹스를 하며 항상 콘돔을 착용함. 아가씨들이 알아서 콘돔 착용후 삽입함.

Skinship is a part of the service in BK. BK girls are thoroughly trained before being put in front of their customers. So, they look relaxed giving a blow job. The girls freshly into the business might seem a bit uncomfortable with clients, but I heard that they’d soon relax. In the BK case, blow jobs occur inside the room, which last about five minutes. In the case of a second round, sex occurs in a hotel or a motel. They always have their clients wear a condom. Girls would put it on the penis and have sex.

10.아가씨들에게 사적으로 선물을 한 적이 있는지?

Have you ever give them personal gifts?

선물보다 돈을 준적 있음. 업소를 나온지 얼마 안된 아가씨였는데 너무 힘들어 하길래 달라고 하지 않았지만 50만원 정도 주고 그 일 그만두라고 충고해준적이 있음

Not gifts, but I’ve given them money. This girl was fresh into the business, and was having a really hard time working there. So, I gave her about 500,000, which she didn’t ask for, and told her to quit.

11.룸살롱에 방문하지 않을때에도 아가씨들이 전화로 연락을 해왔는지?

아님 직접 아가씨들에게 전화로 따로 연락을 한 적이 있는지?

Have some of the girls you’ve met ever called you in private? Or have you called them in person?

아가씨와 내가 서로가 맘에 들어한 경우 아가씨쪽에서 연락이 오고 나도 연락한 적 있음.

한두번 만나다가 서로 시간이 맞지 않아 그만두는게 일반적임

In some cases, where I and the girl liked each other, both contacted each other.

Usually, such meetings don’t last after one or two, because of differences in schedule.

12.BAR나 유흥 업소에서 일하는 아가씨나 혹은 남자 직원과 문제가 있었던 적이 있는지?

Have you ever got into trouble with the girls or male workers?



13.마지막으로 방문 한 적이 언제이며 왜 그만 가게 되었는지?

When was the last time you visited there, and why did you stop going?

약 2년전의 방문이 마지막이었음. 업소도 다니다 보면 재미가 없어짐.

아무리 예쁜 여자라 하더라도 내가 데리고 살것도 아니고 일하는 시간대도 맞지 않아서 결국 가까워지긴 힘듦. 돈도 많이 들고.

About two years ago. It’s no fun anymore.

No matter how pretty the girl is, after all you’re not going to spend the rest of your life with her. And it’s hard to find time to meet because they work at night. So, you could rarely develop a relationship with them. And it costs a lot of money.

14.한국의 룸살롱 문화에 관한   개인적인 견해를 말해 줄 수 있는지?

Give us your general thoughts about Korea’s room salon culture.

예전의 주먹구구식 영업이 아니라 체계적으로 발전하고 있다는 것입니다. 아가씨들의 철저한 서비스 교육을 통해  남성들의 모든 욕구를 채워주기 위해 항상 변화하고 있습니다.

The business is not run in an old-fashioned, turn of the century manner. That means that they are running and developing the business systemically. Through rigorous service trainings, they are fine tuning their service to meet all possible manly desires.

경기가 나빠지면 가격도 떨어지고 좀더 퇴폐적인 서비스를 더하여 영업을 합니다. 예를 들어 룸에서 2차까지 해결하는 서비스, 거울방의 여자를 보고 초이스 하는 룸미러 시스템 등이 그것입니다.

When the economy turns bad, prices will drop and the services would take on more obscene forms. For example, the second round could occur in the room, or the so-called room-mirror system could be provided, where clients can first have a look at the girls in the “mirror room” and then choose the girl they want.

사적인 질문에도 불구하고 답변을 주신 것에 감사드리며 위의 자료는 한국의 룸살롱 문화에 대한 기사에 대한 소중한 자료로 사용 될 것이며 익명으로 진행될 것입니다

Thank you for the interview despite your privacy. All contents above will only be used for an article about Korea’s room salon culture and your identity will remain anonymous.
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