The 3WM GLBT Open Thread

The 3WM GLBT Open Thread

February 1, 20113325Views

The 3wm GLBT Open Thread

Poet Gi Hyeong-do

The Three Wise Monkeys is happy to introduce an open forum to communicate about Gay-Lesbian-Bi Sexual-Transgender issues facing all peoples here on the Korean Peninsula.

This is an open forum where you are invited to share stories about GLBT realities here in Seoul and from everywhere on the peninsula.

The editorial process is open: meaning write what you want and post it directly (3wm reserves the right to edit out or delete material that is hateful or could result in a legal action.)

Poet Choe Seung-ja

But! I am trusting that this open forum style will allow you to speak your mind about GLBT Struggles and Experiences and Friendly and not Friendly venues. Heartbreaks and Ecstasies, He said, he said and She said, she said… So speak your mind tell your stories and do remember what an original proponent of Sexual openness declared:

The free expression of the hopes and aspirations of a people is the greatest and only safety in a sane society. And a revolution without dancing is not a revolution worth having. If there won’t be dancing at the revolution, I’m not coming.” Emma Goldman

Mizaru. 3WM

Read stories about and work by the above artists here:

Gi Hyeong-do:  A Misunderstood Modern Gay Korean Poet (Pt. 1)

Gi Hyeong-do:  A Misunderstood Modern Gay Korean Poet (Pt. 2)

Choe Seung-ja’s “Love in this Age”:  Exploring a Modern Same-Sex Poet

The Three Wise Monkeys is not responsible for any actions or information that results from or in the use of this GLBT forum. Any private contact information that is posted is not the responsibility in claims of veracity or actions and outcomes of information displayed. So all users please take care.



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