By Iwazaru and Marie Kulik
Yesterday afternoon, August 31, 3WM visited Andre Fisher at the Seoul Prison and can report that he is appealing his case to the Supreme Court of Korea. He is in good health and expressed renewed faith in his case since the rejection of his appeal last week by the Seoul High Court.
In the last week 3WM has become suspicious of several aspects of the case after speaking with Fisher’s attorney, requesting court documents, examining inconsistencies in evidential reports and speaking with Fisher yesterday about those details. 3WM is in the process of requesting the arrest report from that evening to further verify serious problems, especially with forensic investigation of the crime scene and evidence that Fisher was in possession of.
Until these inconsistencies can be fully verified, 3WM will refrain from specific references. Nevertheless, as it stands we are of the opinion that the case has not been thoroughly investigated by authorities.
Meanwhile, Fisher is receiving visitors who are welcome between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., not including 11.30 – 1 p.m. for lunch break, Monday through Friday. Authorities at the prison prefer that visitors arrive between 9 and 10 a.m. to prevent any delays. Visits are for a maximum of 15 minutes.
If travelling by subway from Seoul, take line #4 to Indeogwon (인덕원) and take exits 2, or 4, 5, 6, or 7. Take a taxi to “Seoul Guchiwon” (서울 구치원, 요). Or walk the mile to the prison building.
You will need your ARC card ID, or citizen’s card if you’re a local national. You will also need to define your relationship with Andre.