Why Go Out? Everyone Delivers

Why Go Out? Everyone Delivers

February 2, 20143877Views

By Jen Lee

When it comes to delivery, living in Korea is pretty great. I’m still not sure how everyone manages to stay skinny when even things like a McDonald’s meal have the option of being brought right to our front door.

The only “down” side to this is that many websites and services that offer this convenience are not the most English friendly. I’m convinced that most of my improvement when it comes to Korean vocabulary has come from online shopping. Once you’ve had heavy containers of detergent and bags of rice delivered to your front door, it’s hard to go back to dragging things into a cab and up three flights of stairs.

Oh Korea, you’ve made me very lazy. I’m half tempted to order some fried chicken to have delivered right now.


Jen Lee is a Gyopo (교포) who likes to draw and also has an unhealthy obsession with green tea.
Her other artwork can be seen here at and at



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