author archivesOpening salvos and volleys of the Three Wise Monkeys.
By Mizaru Greetings from The Three Wise Monkeys (3wm), a smart and alternative yet accessible look at the English speaking...
Silent Night
By Bryan Fox Sae Hoon is standing at the top of a vertiginously long escalator that leads down and away...
Oh, My Dear Soul Mates Why you giving me this pain? After we laughed under the flag After we kissed...
Obama — The Invisible Man in the Ghetto of Seoul (RETRO PIECE) – Part I
Excuse me if I am in a state of high dudgeon I just spent summer turning to Fall in Dublin...
Obama — The Invisible Man in the Ghetto of Seoul “RETRO PIECE” – Part II
Whatever you are doing over here in South Korea, who hasn’t experienced a blow-torch America moment? It’s almost the way...
A french living in Hongdae.
I've made a few videos in Korea and will do more. Please click on post title for more videos.
Specific Submission Guidelines
Publishing Specifics for Contributors 3wm is happy to publish your submission. Please meet all of these requirements: IN MICROSOFT WORD...