Korean Life
categoryGenderfluid in Korea–Anonymous in an Uncertain World
Editor's note: The writer requested anonymity due to the sensitivity of the subject. Any responses can be sent to 3wmseoul@gmail.com...
Facing the Reality of War on the Korean Peninsula
By Lee Scott By Iwazaru If you've been in Korea for a stretch of five or 10 or 20...
A Cult, Cronies, Kooks & President Park’s Undoing
For foreigners following Korean presidential politics, the last few years have been rather bemusing. When you ask most Koreans about...
When the French Arrived–the 1866 French Punitive Expedition to Korea 150 years on
By Hal Swindall The year 2016 is officially the “Annee France-Coree” to celebrate 130 years of diplomatic relations begun in...
Genderfluid in Korea–One Teen’s Story (Part 2)
Editor’s note: The writer of this piece requested anonymity due to the sensitivity of the subject. Any responses can be...
Seeing No Evil–the Case of the Vanishing Wallet
By Iwazaru At 2 a.m. on a cold night in late December, I finally decided to enter the Suseo Hyundai Ventureville...
Becoming a Korean Lawyer–the Battle Between the Bar and Law School
By K. Koo After finishing my undergraduate studies in New England two years ago, I came back home to pursue a...
Genderfluid in Korea–One Teenager’s Story
Editor's note: The writer of this piece requested anonymity due to the sensitivity of the subject. Any responses can be...
Why Is Researching Korean Culture Easier in Japan?
By Hal Swindall Anyone who has lived in Korea for a short time, or even knows the country by reputation,...
Organic Farming in Korea–Beating Pesticides, Parasites and Pathogens
By Clinton Stamatovich Korea has seen a shift in awareness of the quality of its produce lately after the Korean...
The Provincial Policies of Korean Dailies
By Iwazaru One of the reasons we started 3WM (and DDD before it) was to provide a platform for writers...
Can Ye Not Serve God and Mammon? ‘Quo Vadis, Korean Megachurches?’
By Donald Kirk The growth of megachurches worldwide is a global phenomenon, a mass movement in which thousands of individual...
Looking at the Korean Uni Experience after 12 Years in the U.S.
By Jun Won Lee I find Korean culture to be fine, a mixed feeling of both good and bad. Korea...
Ties that Bind — Weighing the Sewol Tragedy
By Donald Kirk How much more will we really know about the construction companies that build apartment blocks that look...
Seeing Yellow: The Aftermath of the Sewol and its Political Implications
By Jenny Choi Korea’s doors, fences, car windows, and social media profile pictures are a sea of yellow ribbons right...