The Three Wise Monkeys welcomes all submissions. Send us queries or complete submissions, and we will reply as soon as possible. As we expect fluctuations in submissions, your patience is appreciated. The Three Wise Monkeys is an East meets West endeavor so most of what we publish will be written in or about Asia or from a contributor who is crossing time lines or cultural divides and now reflects that experience through their submitted work.
We seek all kinds of genres including but not limited to reportage, essays, photography, criticism, witty rants, pointed raves and original artwork. Short films, audio, video, animation and illustration are welcome. We’re very open to fiction, poetry and memoir yet with longer pieces we reserve the right to take excerpts or break the submission into two or more pieces.
We remember our DDD origins of running stories about Difficult, Dirty and Dangerous topics and we are very much in want of shoe-lace and leather reporters who will take on a tough story or cover the underdogs in a way that the mainstream media won’t. Of course live bloggers at happening cultural, newsworthy and trendy events as well as casual observers with an eagle eye are welcome to blog here: that is once we have established a relationship with you.
We will work with our contributors as closely as possible to get your submission right. Right for you and right for The Three Wise Monkeys. We are an open-source media project so you reserve the right to publish your work in other sources under the provision that you mention your work was first posted on The Three Wise Monkeys. We will occasionally put up previously published material, but only if it has a retro/should not be forgotten feel to it or is a redux of something that remains timely. We are looking for new, fresh, raw material above the reprocessed and tired.
Even though we can’t pay you anything we want you to believe in the 3wm project. We offer you exposure and a chance to be involved with something that pursues truth and beauty, the cosmic and the mundane… all this and more.
Please include basic contact and biographical information in all submissions. A personal picture or image is necessary and we are very much in favor of submissions that include photos or illustrations that might enhance the idea of the feature. Click here for specific submission guidelines.
In regards on how to place your work, it is best to contact the individual editors/monkeys from the breakdown of genres below:
Scott: Direct and General inquiries, fiction, poetry, reportage, memoir, non-fiction essays, humor, reviews:
John: Stories on: education, politics, media-watch, economics, travel, the outdoors and interviews:
Note: 3WM cross-publishes with