The Tragicomic Side of KPop Music Videos

The Tragicomic Side of KPop Music Videos

December 30, 2010Asian VideoKpop4515Views

By DoAn Forest

Emotional Content (Han of KPop Remix) from DoAn Forest on Vimeo.

This video concept was born when I bought a 6-DVD of Korean pop music videos. In almost all these videos, it seems that someone meets a tragic end — it could be a disease, a crash, a suicide, a gunshot wound, or just of heartbreak. Living in Korea for a long time, I find this tragic appetite of their pop culture to be almost tragicomic.
The video was cut to a song, “Auralgraphx: Bracka,” which was a collaboration between Jet Echo ( and MakBak ( … two bands who lived in Seoul in the mid 2000s.
DoAn Forest is a film maker based in BC, Canada and sometimes Seoul, Korea. His works include experiments in motion graphics, music videos, short documentaries, and live visual performances. View his works online at:



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