Month: July 2010
Jennifer’s Calendar: An Affair to Remember
By Jennifer Stevens My relationship with my Korean boyfriend seemed to be playing in fast-forward—minus the sex—until one day he...
In Thailand? BP wants to go drilling there too. Protest organized for Koh Samui July 31st.
Objectives: To direct the movement against the oil exploration and drilling that will cause negative impact to tourism industry in...
Recording Review, The Rocktigers: License to Rock
by John Flynn This isn't to say that there aren't great songs on this album. "I Wanna Rock," "Vengeance is...
The Machinations of Modern Diplomacy—the Cheonan Aftermath
By Iwazaru A Chinese businessman recently in Pyongyang reportedly snapped a picture of a propaganda poster that shows a naval...
Letter from a Chinese Classroom: Stabbings, Fear and Social Inequity
By Jake Reed As of now there have been five mass stabbings at schools in China. Every one of the...
Caribou and the Concert Experience
by Jason Sander On July 9, Canadian indie-giant Caribou came to V-hall to grace Seoul with a moment of live...
ManMi, Shinchon: Korean Food for the Hapless
By Kathryn Fidler If you’ve been watching Top Chef the last two or three seasons, you might be aware that...
Green Korea United: A Profile of Defending the Land
By Rishika Murthy Green Korea United, or Green Korea as it’s called for short, is one of the main environmental...
By critic Jeon Bongho A queer mapping of Seoul in this kind of homophobe environment is no walk in the...
A Holiday in Cambodia: With Extra Cheese Please… Pt. 2
By Justin Thoreau “Ma. Hi it’s me. No, no, no, I’m in Cambodia. CAM-BO-DI-A!!!! Sorry, it’s a bit loud. I’m...
R-16 Korea 2010, World B-Boy Masters Championships held in July
By Anji Shirai The World B-boy Masters Championships (R-16) is a series of competitions where world-class B-boy crews (selected by...
Gi Hyeong-do: A Misunderstood Modern Gay Korean Poet (Pt. 2)
By Gabriel Sylvian with Iwazaru Last year, in honor of the twentieth anniversary of poet Gi Hyeong-do’s death (1960-1989), a...
A Holiday in Cambodia: With Extra Cheese Please…
By Justin Thoreau A half hour after we'd downed some slices of "happy" pizza, Jim and I found ourselves at...
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